Gummiwerk KRAIBURG GmbH & Co. KG has achieved a significant milestone in its sustainability strategy. In August 2024, the company was successfully connected to the district heating network of the city of Waldkraiburg as the first major industrial customer, with a total connection capacity of 3 MW. This step represents a key milestone towards sourcing nearly 100% of its heating needs from renewable energy sources, thereby making a substantial contribution to reducing CO2 emissions.

Sustainability in focus: district heating as an environmentally friendly alternative

Thanks to close cooperation with Stadtwerke Waldkraiburg GmbH, Gummiwerk KRAIBURG can now rely on a sustainable energy source. The district heating network operated by Stadtwerke is powered by geothermal energy, allowing the company to achieve nearly climate-neutral heating. This new connection is expected to reduce the company’s CO2 emissions by 20-25% in the long term, marking a significant advancement towards climate-neutral energy supply and bringing the company closer to its Vision 2030 goal of reducing CO2 emissions by 75%.


With a total connection capacity of 3 MW, Gummiwerk KRAIBURG also takes a leading role in the Waldkraiburg industrial area in implementing innovative and sustainable energy concepts.

Technical modifications for greater efficiency

To facilitate the connection to the district heating system, extensive technical modifications were made at the site. In July 2024, the aging gas boilers in the boiler house were dismantled and replaced with a modern district heating transfer station. This station receives heat from the Stadtwerke network and subsequently feeds it into the company’s energy supply system. Additionally, the technology and controls in the boiler house were upgraded to the latest state of the art. These modifications create the basis for a more efficient and environmentally friendly energy supply.

A mobile heating unit from Stadtwerke Waldkraiburg bridged the transitional phase over the summer while the district heating connection was being prepared. The hot water supply was also modernized: instead of a conventional boiler, fresh water modules are now used to supply the shower areas.

Progress and outlook

The connection to the district heating network of Stadtwerke Waldkraiburg is an important step towards a more sustainable future. However, Gummiwerk KRAIBURG is already planning further measures to save energy and use renewable energies. The positive experiences and savings of recent years with photovoltaics and groundwater cooling motivate the company to continue investing in innovative and environmentally friendly technologies.

By strategically choosing district heating, Gummiwerk KRAIBURG positions itself as a leader in the industry in implementing sustainable energy concepts. For Gummiwerk KRAIBURG, the district heating connection combine the three pillars of sustainable business: economics, ecology, and social responsibility.

The change in the gas and heating supply situation presented an economic urgency to act, which has been addressed with an ecologically sustainable, 100% CO2-neutral solution. By securing its heating supply from Stadtwerke Waldkraiburg, the company also fulfills its social responsibility towards the region.